HGTV Dream Home Giveaway Sweepstakes

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

New addition

We are going on friday to meet a possiable new addition to our family.  His name is Parker.  Parker is a 2 year old standard poodle who ran away from home.  He's loving and fun natured and protective.  I am going first to meet him and then we will bring the twins if I get a good feel.  We are making a day out of it since it's about 40 min away.  We will go to the 50's drive in by the lake (michigan) and then go see parker and then go to Palazzolo's for Gelato.....mmmmm so good, they have 500 flavors, no kidding.

The kids do so well with dogs, we have taught them to respect them and they do.  I am going to bring a blanket that they have napped with for a few days with us so I can take it in and have him get a smell for them so he isn't shocked.  I also picked up some treats for Parker and the other dogs at the shelter.  We are so excited! I had two poodles growing up, they were a smaller variety but they all train the same. Poodles are second only to the border collie in intel. and are protective, smart, easily trained, loving, well mannered sweet dogs.  They also have a great sense of humor.

We have been talking with the twins about Parker the puppy all week.  Just so they get used to hearing the name.  They try and say parker, it's so cute.  We are so excited!

We are fencing in our yard in the end of may so he will have about of month of just walking on a leash then he will have our huge double lot yard to run and play in.  So Excited!! He's white and about 50 pounds, he's on the smaller side for a standard, but a standard none the less!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Kind of odd

So this is kind of odd and a little personal, but hey it's my Blog!

I had a Mirena inserted after the twins were born, (an IUD)  I can't have estrogen so most forms of BC are out for me, this just has progestin in it so it's good.  Now I used to assist in putting these into place. I was the person who did the screening and answered all the questions before the procedure, I know way to much about them.  But now I've having issues.  
I've had it in for 11 months now and up until recently I had light bleeding every month for maybe 2 days, like clockwork.  I haven't had anything in 68 days.  At first I thought it was fairly normal because a lot of women don't bleed at all with the Mirena, but now I feel weird. Infact I feel pregnant.  I've been sick the last few days as well, when I had the twins I had Hyperemisis gravidium, which meant i was sick all the time for like the first 16 weeks. I called my OB/GYN last month and asked what to do, she said it was the IUD, well her nurse did, but now I think it's gone on to long. I need to take a pregnancy test.  I'm scared though.  First of all my body can't handle another pregnancy for another 6-8 months, second of all when you do conceive with an IUD as rare as it is (actually it happens a lot) but when you do, the IUD is removed as soon as you find out, 8 out of 10 times the pregnancy is miscarried.  I've dealt with that enough.  I'm just freaking out a bit, I think DH and I will take a test tomorrow.  Which means I'll pee on a stick and he can sit on the edge of the bath tub and wait.  I mean we want another baby, we do, but I can't do it rite now, my body just isn't ready.  With the clotting stuff, my liver is finally back to normal, and I still have the stuff with the bladder Nic they did during my c-section.  It's just not safe, I'd be on bed rest for most of the pregnancy, ha try doing that with twins!

Ok tomorrow it is.

In other news.  The twins woke up super wet this morning, so they went strait to the bathtub!  They had fun!  They have decided they like Pineapple and Banna whip that is frozen, mmm it is good!

I wrote a new recipe today for double dark chocolate brownies, to good.  This was in lieu of the new episode of Greys Anatomy!  WOoHoO  I can't believe Addison is coming back next week!


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

What a day! We have had my mom's terrier here has a house guest.  He's a little guy, about 25 pounds and Maddie tried to ride him!  He's so mellow that he just kind of turned and looked at her, it was cute.  At one point he hopped up on the couch because he didn't want to play anymore, Maddie kept walking past him pointing at him and giving him these very puzzled look and then laughing.  John kept giving hugs to him and saying "dog, dog, dog dog dog dog, dooooggggyyyy....." Just to cute!
Josh and I are really talking about trying to conceive again.  We really want to but we need to wait a bit longer, but it's weird because my Dr. makes me feel so pressed for time.
My little at home business is flying!  I have orders coming in from all over, personal orders which make me so happy because thats why I want to do it, but wholesale orders as well! EEPP!!
The twins go to sleep all on their own now, I just lay them in their cribs tell them I love them and then close the door and they just go down so peacefully. 
I think I might be coming down with a flu bug or something, I have an awful stomach ache and I am hungry but can't eat.  Ick.
Josh is coming home early tonight because they had some meeting this morning so they got out earlier!  YAY~Love him!

My internet is still so messed up. ~ick~


Sunday, April 20, 2008


Long story short, we were with out internet for a few days and it messed up a bunch of stuff! 
So now I will atempt to catch up. 
Starting off with Friday, Daddy decided to dress John and Maddie.  He got Maddie dressed in her little blue dress and she was just adorable! Photobucket He put john in this periwinkle little outfit and about an hour later I realized it had puff sleeves and was his sisters! Photobucket
Friday we went out and did some shopping at the Little Store on the Prarie, it's a local health food store out in the middle of no where, it's great and they love the twins.  We found an amazing cherry peach salsa!

Saturday was fairly normal, we worked out in the yard and the kids went on a HUGE walk.  We went to the super market in town and got all of the things to make home made pizza.  My family (the Cekolas) started the first pizza restaurant in my hometown of Kalamazoo back in the twenties, so I assume it's in my blood to make good pizza. Good it was, lol it was amzing! Photobucket  We made a crushed tomato sauce, my pizza had Fresh Basil, Fresh Motzarella, fresh grated parmasean, and goat cheese.  Baked at 500 for 14 min and it was AMAZING! These are truly artisan pizzas! It's a dream of ours to open a pizza shop with a bakery that makes artisan bread and pastires.  And now I want pizza again!

Sunday was relaxing, the babies helped me bake 2 key lime pies which are amazing!  the LOVE whip cream :-)

I'm going to go  make snacks!


Thursday, April 17, 2008

Our First Post

Wow, so everyone seems to have a blog like this now, so I thought, what the heck lets try it!

So for those who don't know me, My name is Josie, I am married to a wonderful man, Josh, and we have to amazing twins, John Robert and Madaline Elizabeth.  Our twins were born 2-16-07 at 32 weeks.  They spent 19 (maddie) and 21 (John) in the NICU and Bronson Hospital.  They are both happy and healthy!  We live in a small town in south west Michigan.  

I am going to attempt to post some pictures!

I'll write more later,


I love these little Munchkins!
