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Thursday, April 24, 2008

Kind of odd

So this is kind of odd and a little personal, but hey it's my Blog!

I had a Mirena inserted after the twins were born, (an IUD)  I can't have estrogen so most forms of BC are out for me, this just has progestin in it so it's good.  Now I used to assist in putting these into place. I was the person who did the screening and answered all the questions before the procedure, I know way to much about them.  But now I've having issues.  
I've had it in for 11 months now and up until recently I had light bleeding every month for maybe 2 days, like clockwork.  I haven't had anything in 68 days.  At first I thought it was fairly normal because a lot of women don't bleed at all with the Mirena, but now I feel weird. Infact I feel pregnant.  I've been sick the last few days as well, when I had the twins I had Hyperemisis gravidium, which meant i was sick all the time for like the first 16 weeks. I called my OB/GYN last month and asked what to do, she said it was the IUD, well her nurse did, but now I think it's gone on to long. I need to take a pregnancy test.  I'm scared though.  First of all my body can't handle another pregnancy for another 6-8 months, second of all when you do conceive with an IUD as rare as it is (actually it happens a lot) but when you do, the IUD is removed as soon as you find out, 8 out of 10 times the pregnancy is miscarried.  I've dealt with that enough.  I'm just freaking out a bit, I think DH and I will take a test tomorrow.  Which means I'll pee on a stick and he can sit on the edge of the bath tub and wait.  I mean we want another baby, we do, but I can't do it rite now, my body just isn't ready.  With the clotting stuff, my liver is finally back to normal, and I still have the stuff with the bladder Nic they did during my c-section.  It's just not safe, I'd be on bed rest for most of the pregnancy, ha try doing that with twins!

Ok tomorrow it is.

In other news.  The twins woke up super wet this morning, so they went strait to the bathtub!  They had fun!  They have decided they like Pineapple and Banna whip that is frozen, mmm it is good!

I wrote a new recipe today for double dark chocolate brownies, to good.  This was in lieu of the new episode of Greys Anatomy!  WOoHoO  I can't believe Addison is coming back next week!



Joanna said...

Good luck Jos, I hope you get the results you are hoping for (and that everything turns out okay with the IUD). I'll be checking in to see the results :).

Jennifer said...

Good luck Jos! That must be scary, yet exciting! (my mom had an IUD when she got prego with me....years ago of course!!!)
Keep us posted!

jennbecc said...

Hi Jos...I guess I should introduce myself prior to jumping right into your personal post (Hi! I'm Jenny! *waving*) but I just had to comment. I too had a blood clotting issue and ended up with a DVT at 31 weeks and had to do twice daily injections of Lovenox for the rest of my twin preg and 6 months after delivery. No more injections currently but pretty much my only option was the Mirena IUD as well. I've had it for little over a year. Pretty much the same as you...spotting. I worry about pregnancy with it too. I'll check back to see your results. Good luck!!